Monday, April 19, 2010


Its been over ten days since I've posted a blog... but I've been working on trying to articulate how I'm feeling and the rush of thoughts going through my head lately. I'm very happy lately!

John 5:17
Jesus said "My Father is always at his work to this very day, and I, too, am working."

This year, so far, has been a year of hardship and hurting, healing and redemption and amazing memories I wouldn't trade for anything. I am writing this post in tears and giggles as I reflect on the events of these past months and as I try and understand their purpose. In this post, I first and foremost, want to praise God for the life lessons, stronger friendships and new relationships He provided.

He always provides.

As the dust settles and things slow down, I've realized a lot of things about myself and where I'm at in my faith. This past week in particular, God has been pushing me to evaluate the path I am on. I wanted to share some of the many things I have God has laid on my heart.

Its so important to let God work in YOUR heart when you are working with others. My personality has been changing a lot as I am slowly being shown the characteristics, traits and relationships in my life that I need to let go of. God has been opening my eyes up to issues in my own life that, are or will be, stumbling blocks for myself and others.

I have become defensive. I used to take personality criticism really well, but I forgot to guard my heart (Proverbs 4:23) from someone who wasn't criticizing out of love and I now I find myself questioning and fighting it. God laid on my heart a desire to learn and correct this habit that I've started to adopt.

I need to make the connection between my desires and my actions. In my life, like a lot of people I know, there is a huge disconnect between my intention and my actual direction. Direction (not intention) equals destination. I want to be a Godly woman, I want a Christ-centered marriage, I want a pure heart, I want to be obedient to God's will and I want others to see my faith but, in order to do that, I have to be intentional and make the necessary decisions to put me on a path to achieve these things. That means... dating someone who wants the same things, not getting participating in certain social traditions and making sure I'm keeping accountable to the right people. The things that I give my attention to DO direct my life. The things that i pay attention to and the things that capture my attention DO influence my direction in life and I want that direction to be God lead and Christ-centered. I want my path to reflect God's will and a pure heart.

God has been really working in it, but now that I have time to think, I just know there is more and I'm not fully living to be all God desires has for me. God is always working, in and around my life. I am amazed at His plans thus far for my life and excited to move forward in His will.

This year has been interesting. I started it off with some of my favorite people, both in Ontario and home... and see myself now surrounded by most of my favorite people here on little PEI. Life happens and we all make mistakes. I've been reminded how human we are. We are all bound to make mistakes, but there is a love... a love that can redeem us from those mistakes. I don't take back a minute of what has happened.

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