Monday, August 31, 2009

For God so loved 'the church'... not so much!

oasis was absolutely fantastic!

jody urged the aby executive to go if they could so i thought.... why not?! i stayed with melissa in berwick at her grandparent's, and we met up with shannon each day!

we were making plans for the week. we were pretty busy, but melissa and i didn't have plans for supper friday, for no particular reason. we went to a seminar, and met the most amazing people. they were fantastic christian leaders from Wycliffe, an organization that is made up of national workers worldwide in the ministries of bible translation. they partner with local churches in canada and various missions projects. their organisation is SO diverse with a lot of opportunities. i'm really excited to hear from them to potentially get involved! i am so thankful. it was really cool that that particular part of our day happened to be free and that these wonderful people just invited us out.

Monday, August 24, 2009

I can't afford it all...

A list of things I want.... no need to save for this year.
  1. A new (nice) camera - i miss the days when I could just go for a walk and take pictures and too many things this summer went undocumented.
  2. Money for a missions trip in May.
  3. A MacBook - black preferably - it will make school a heck of a lot easier.
  4. I probably should pay for school.
  5. A new iPod - i miss having music for my runs, my car rides, my beach days and my long days at work - i miss having music for life.

That's pretty much it! Short and sweet (and expensive).

We'll see how that goes...

Sunday, August 23, 2009


I can remember the day we met. I could describe it in almost every detail. It was so cold out. You caught my eye right away. There was something about you, an obvious allure, but then something more.... more then i could put words to. I couldn't figure you out, you had a wall I was compelled to break down although I couldn't figure out what drew me to you. Indescribable and unattainable.

It was a challenge, it was interesting, and more then I expected. I didn't question it. I felt a pull on my heart to reach out, and I hold my hand out, waiting, dreaming, praying that our hands would meet. They may, but that's not mine to know.

I will carry on, with my hand out by my side.

-You'd call this chiché, but its the truth.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Summer escape

Here comes my vacation weekend number 2 this summer!!
I'm really curious how I have time to even be sitting here with the amount of things I have to do, but I'm here none the less.
Oasis (Convention Assembly) will be fantastic I'm sure. Business meetings and seminars. Fabulous worship and teaching. I've been coaxed into being a leader at the youth assembly program so I'll be back and forth all week. My Saturday promises to be the best though. I get to spend the whole day with Justin Kaity Melissa and their other halves (whom I've never met)!!!! Its been almost a year since I've seen Kaity. I can't wait.
So if i ever get out of the house, I'll be hitting the open road... just me and Helen until I meet Melissa in Truro. Thank God for GPS : )

Monday, August 17, 2009

Thank you

So lately, the same thing seems to becoming more and more clear. God has given me so many fabulous people in my life. Life lately has been great. This summer has been great, but with my grandfather getting so sick this past week, my life has been in a tumble. It seems that the second I fall into any negative, these friends that I've always had, just step up without hesitation. I have countless friends here who are just so great. I am truly blessed! And messages from Elissa, Justin, Lucas, Kevin, Ali, Colleen, Melissa and Jess... they just light up my day!

"When it hurts to look back, and your scared to look ahead, look beside you and your best friends will be there." - Unknown

I hope I am half the friend y'all have been to me lately.

Thank you.

Friday, August 14, 2009

We live, We learn...

"The important thing is not to be bitter over life’s disappointments. Learn to let go of the past. And recognize that every day won’t be sunny, and when you find yourself lost in the darkness and despair, remember it’s only in the black of night you see the stars. And those stars will lead you back home. So don’t be afraid to make mistakes, to stumble and fall, cause most of the time, the greatest rewards come from doing the things that scare you the most. Maybe you’ll get everything you wish for. Maybe you’ll get more than you ever could have imagined. Who knows where life will take you. The road is long and in the end, the journey is the destination.”

-Coach Whitey Durham

Oh shucks!

Today was so up and down. More down then up, but I'm choosing to see the positive!

Chase and Ellen once again rescued me from my being home alone and swept me away to our wonderful pizza and movie nights. I don't think they understand how much I need them, but I just thank God for their awesome spirits which demand I leave my self pity at home and smile! My summer with them has been fabulous!

I finally met with Natasha! It was the first time I'd seen her in about four months and being with her was an absolute breath of fresh air. Her joy was so evident after the big changes in her life, and God's really taught her so much. Our visit was to catch up and explain a lot of things which cleared the air and answered a lot of questions. Not only is she a fantastic role model of a Godly women, she is passionate about a lot of things I enjoy and I find it so easy to talk to her. The silence between us is comfortable and she is so understanding. I missed having her around, but I'm so happy for her and I'm really excited for her to embrace the island as home :)

Helen is being silly and costing me a pocket full to be fixed. I think its her way of telling me that I need abusing her.

Tomorrow night may be the last time I see Christine, and that will bum be right out. I wish I had more time with her. I miss Bridgette already like crazy. Oh boy how the summer has flew by. I can't say I take back one thing that happened! I've had a blast.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Today, I decided to dream. I know I know, just like every girl, I can run off the top of my head the color scheme, location, and brides maids of my dream wedding. I've stumbled upon a website (One Boy, One Girl) I absolutely adore. I can imagine walking down the aisle towards a life with someone I love; my prince charming. Take a look! ( I would serve Shirley Temples to all my guests!)

On another note, I started running again! Turn on the tunes, and just kick 'er into gear. It feels fabulous but I came to realized I'm right out of shape. My goal for the end of the summer is to be able to run my normal run again. I remember how fantastic it used to feel knowing I could run from anything. Its liberating, energising, refreshing.
Last but not least, to finish off the summer with a bang, Luke and his friend are coming to visit! Fabulous!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Truth be told, I'm lying

So as i press replay on the song Gives You Hell by the All-American Rejects, my all time favorite 'angry at a boy song', i realise that so many people sing this song in absolute bitter anger wishing the worst on their ex. This song reminds me of driving with Jon Matthews in Ontario, our late night road trip to Tim's! I must admit the song makes me feel mildly better about my current situation, but seeing as its really not that big of a deal in the first place, i know my thoughts towards this song are more comical then serious.
But in any case, I must admit, they lyrics fit quite well.

Tomorrow you'll be thinking to yourself
Where'd it all go wrong, the list goes on and on

And truth be told I miss you
And truth be told I'm lying

Now you'll never see, what you've done to me
You can take back your memories they're no good to me
And here's all your lies,
You can look me in my eyes
With that sad sad look that you wear so well

When you see my face
Hope it gives you hell
Hope it gives you hell
When you walk my way
Hope it gives you hell
Hope it gives you hell
If you find a man that's worth a damn and treats you well
Then he's a fool, your just as well, hope it gives you hell

:) That feels better

Friday, August 7, 2009

Oh my Oh my, Hold up...

May I just say one thing. When God closes a door, he opens a window. And He's opened some mighty awesome windows this week!!!! Not only has He been blessing be with some fantastic friends, He has put before me a few decisions that are absolutely worth considering; a missions trip to Africa next May, a beautiful new sponsor child who just happens to be in the same location of the missions trip, and a fantastic new job opportunity.

Oh my!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Photo Shoot Swap

Apparently youth these days have started a new craze. Children ages 11-18 are participating in the new fad, Sexting. If you don't get it, it's simply sending sexually explicit images of themselves on cell phones. Here in Canada were obviously missing out on this new trend although I'm not convinced were really missing out. What's attractive about an eleven year old's body?

Allan Mugarura

This is my boy Allan!
He is 4 years old from Uganda.
I'm absolutely in love with his smile and honored to be able to sponsor him.
Compassion Canada has a great plan set up if you're interested in sponsoring a child! Its the greatest feeling receiving a letter and sending stickers.

Monday, August 3, 2009

We are blessed

Today I was reading an article in my SOJOURNERS magazine by Julie Polter.

Obstetric Fistula. Have you heard of it? It’s virtually unheard of in countries like Canada, but is sadly common in developing countries. Fistula is a medical condition that is a very real problem for an estimated 2 million women worldwide. These women go through an agonizing obstructed labor lasting days because the baby cannot pass through her pelvis. The baby is stuck either because the mother is a child who had been raped or forced to marry young... or has her growth been stunted because of malnutrition. At times, through the agony of the birth, the baby dies and the lifeless body is delivered.

During such a traumatic birth, the pressure of the baby’s head causes a hole. For the rest of the mother's life, urine and feces leak out of the hole and the odor is embarrassingly noticeable. The $300 operation to reverse Fistula is virtually unattainable for the majority of women who suffer from it. Many women struggle with depression, abandonment by their partners, families and communities, and live in isolation because of the constant leaking and odor.

We don’t hear about it here because we avoid it at all costs. We have found alternate methods to deliver the baby which liberates the mother of such a traumatic experience. The root causes of fistula are poverty, inadequate health care, and low social status of women. To see what The Fistula Foundation is doing, click here. They provide us with many ways to help, but more importantly, it makes us aware.

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Everyday Sunday

I just experienced a God moment!!!

Chase called me earlier this week. We talked way to long, just like we always do. It was refreshing because we hadn't in a while.
He let me in on a secret!!!
He wants to work with kids and work at the church but wasn't sure how he'd be able to with him leaving in November.
I remember the days when we used to do Wednesday night kids ministries together.
Its been years. He is so good with kids. He meets them on their level so he can relate with them but has the maturity to have a firm voice. He demands respect and demonstrates masculinity.
He simply told me he was thinking about it, I took some time and prayed about it, and we didn't mention it again.
In our conversation today on the phone, Chase was thrilled to tell me that Brandy (the new children's ministry coordinator) had come to him that morning to ask him to work the grade 6 class in September!!!!
I am so excited for Chase! He told two people about God's pull on his heart and were certain either of us told Brandy. God is standing beside Chase, slowing reveling to him the man He wants him to be and its exciting to witness.

...So for all those moments we question God's presence in our lives when our faith is at a low, Chase is living proof that God remains by our side giving us opportunities to get back on track; its up to us to respond.