Monday, July 12, 2010

Being refined.

My heart is being refined and its painful. I spent the last year asking God to help me grow in faith. Here it is happening... and its getting really hard. Things were so great until this January, and now I feel like I've been getting so many curve balls.

I keep finding myself in the same situations and struggling through them. I guess its progress that I'm aware and catching it... but now that I see the consequences of my actions, its overwhelming and I am often overcompensating and over thinking.

Looking back on years past and how I've grown in my faith, I know God has been preparing me to deal with this. He has presented me with everything I need... Him. Although this has been a painful year, I know this is where I'm supposed to be.

So as I have been dealing with the sin that's been exposed in my life, God has been so instrumental in revealing to me how much he loves me. Its overwhelming and powerful. Hallelujah, grace like rain is falling down on me.

Not pride... humility!
No guilt... confidence!

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