Thursday, May 13, 2010

A Love Letter

My precious daughter,
I created you unique from anyone else;
You are exceptionally and wonderfully made.
Others may judge you on what you look like,
but I see your heart, I am so proud of who you are.
I have specifically chosen you and
Adopted you to me by child.
You are incredible valuable to me and
I cherish every moment with you.
As you obey my work, you become my friend and
We are united in spirit.
I love you so much that I died for you,
So that you could truly live.
No matter what you have done in your past,
With my gift of forgiveness, I see you as pure and perfect.
There is nothing you could ever do to make me
Stop loving you.

Though you may not realize it,
I am continually working all things for your best interest.
You can trust me with your life;
I want to give you a hope, a purpose and a future.

My joy will be your strength,
My love will surround you,
And my peace will hold you.

Be blessed today,
Know who you are...


A princess, a daughter of the King.
A woman who fears the Lord
Shall be praised.

My desire is that you will
See yourself for how I see you!
I love you,


This letter was given to the girls who attended Spring Forth last weekend as Jody Currie, a Christian relationship therapist, spoke about self-value and the purpose and value we have in Christ. As the girls exited the gym, she asked them to look themselves, one by one, in the mirror and tell themselves "you are valuable". My heart broke as I watched the pain in their eyes. Most of them holding back tears, could barely see themselves as valuable, let alone say it out loud.

1 comment:

  1. Wow - what a powerful message and letter - thank you for posting this. <3 you


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