Sunday, November 7, 2010

Who Knows?

I think sometimes I write these long posts because I like to hear myself speak.... or rather, type.
Once again... I'm rediscovering my joy!

Here is what I've been learning lately....
God is not too big for any of my stuff. So often, I get hit desperation or confusion and give Him the bigger stuff. I trust Him with it because He is the God of all creation so when it comes down to it, I'd rather Him handle the big stuff. But here is what I was missing...
He is just as interested in the small things as well! The key element for me has been starting to see my place in His bigger picture. Seeing how minuscule I am in His grandeur plan and yet how loved I am. Humbled by my understand of sin's effects on this world and my life,  but understanding the beauty of salvation and the plan He has for my life. Wow....
He's not too big for any of it, and if we believe that everything in our lives some how directs our paths or influence us in some way (like in Andy Stanley's 'The Path Principle'), then why would we want to have control of any of it? How do we not understand how big this is... how huge this thing is... and we're invited into it!

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