I am so sinful that he had to die for me. At the same time, I'm so loved because he was willing to do it.
I'm doing a study on a book called 'Gospel in Life' by Timothy Keller. In our reading and discussion, it challenged us to evaluate how we are living out our faith. This particular chapter defines gospel vs. religion and asks us to move past simply going through the motions of the Christian religion and obedience, and really trying to live out the gospel with the right motivation and heart.
Religion says: If i obey, then God will love and accept me
If you're living out religion, most people either experience:
->Pride: I think I can save myself.
I look down on people who can't live up to the rules.
->Inadequacy/Guilt: I'm not good enough.
But the Gospel says: God loves and accepts me because of what Jesus has done; therefore I obey out of love and thankfulness.
What did Jesus do?
-> Lived a perfect life.
-> He suffered and died. Why? Someone had to pay.
If you are living out the gospel
-> This humbles me because of the high cost he paid.
-> This gives me the confidence because he was willing to do it.
Not pride... humility!
No guilt... confidence!
-> This humbles me because of the high cost he paid.
-> This gives me the confidence because he was willing to do it.
Not pride... humility!
No guilt... confidence!
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