Consider your life a glass of water.
When someone unexpectedly bumps into you... what spills out?
In other words: in the moments we are caught off guard... how do we react?
The world tells us that the moments we 'get bumped into' and the 'spill' is not something to be proud of, are not moments to be stressed over; That those nights we drink a little too much... that time we swore in agony after banging our knee... and those impure thoughts we sometimes think... that they are not who we truly are, but just simply lapses in judgment.
The bible tells us that those moments are a reflection of the condition of our heart; That the words we say when we are caught off guard, the way we act when we get angry and the thoughts we have that we dare not say aloud demonstrate and reflect the depths of our heart.
James 1: 19-21, 26-27 Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry, for man's anger does not bring about the righteous life that God desires. Therefore, get rid of all moral filth and the evil that is so prevalent and humbly accept the word planted in you, which can save you. If anyone considers himself faithful and yet does not keep a tight rein on his tongue, he deceives himself and his faith is worthless. Faith that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world.
We have been called to be God's set apart people... so shouldn't our actions demonstrate that?
God doesn't want us to just cover it up and just pretend things are fine... No! We are to have courage and deal with those issues.
What ends up spilling out is a reflection of our heart.
I have been reminded this week to not only guard my heart, but to watch my words, my actions and my reactions, as I strive to live a life that reflects a pure heart.
How's your heart?
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
spring forth
There is no better feeling then walking into a gym of youth, hearing a thousand voices singing in harmony, feeling the emotion of hearts bursting with praise and sensing the overwhelming presence of power.
The atmosphere. The energy. The unity. ... it was so exhilarating!
Last weekend the Atlantic Baptist Youth were in Moncton helping to run an event called Spring Forth! This year I had the opportunity to sit on a planning committee who oversaw and organized the full event and I was humbled to see how much it took to put the event together. We have some crazy talented people working in ministry in Atlantic Canada!!
1700 attendees
3 locations
24 hours
so many hearts changed!
Dave Currie spoke and we were blessed to have him take his daughter along. At one point they split up the girl and boys for a more gender specific subject talk. I caught the last few minutes of Jody's (Dave's daughter) talk. She is a brilliant relationship therapist who spoke to the girls about self-worth and their value as a child of God. As the girls exited the gym, she filtered them through one door and made them look themselves in the mirror and say "I am valuable". It was heartbreaking to see the amount of girls who could barely say those words..."I am valuable" without tears. As I held the door for them as they exited, watching their faces full of tears and empowerment, I got a vivid picture of the self-worth the females of our generation hold for themselves. Each girl was given a sticker for their mirror that said "Help me see myself how You see me" and a copy of the love letter from Jesus for them to take home.
The event was an absolute success. I personally think it was the best one I've been too. The youth were involved in the event on a whole new level. From the film fest and arts fest to the offering and choir, the students had so many chances to get involved and display their spiritual gifts in front of their peers in a loving, Christ centered environment. It was so powerful.
Leading up to the event, God had prepared my heart for a big weekend as I was evaluating things in my personal life... a process, I am learning, I should constantly be doing. When we identify a problem in our character and bring it to God, He doesn't just fix it for us, He gives us opportunities to fix it while growing a dependence on Him for the strength to overcome! I was given so many opportunities at Spring Forth to work through these issues and I am so thankful for a loving community of believers that will stand by me and love on me as I work these things out. God gave me with so many challenges and with that came an equal amount of support pushing me in the right direction! Most of them would have had no idea I was working through anything at all... but that unconditional forgiveness and the attitude of understanding was so uplifting!
For some silly reason, I had the idea that if the event was geared towards youth, then the youth were there to be filled and I was there to serve them... well... God sure shook that one up. God had been filling me and preparing me as I prepared for this weekend to not only pour into the youth at the event, but to be poured into by the leadership team, the speaker, band and even the youth.
There is nothing I love more then working on a team for youth events and seeing God being glorified and work through that.
God is so great.
The atmosphere. The energy. The unity. ... it was so exhilarating!
Last weekend the Atlantic Baptist Youth were in Moncton helping to run an event called Spring Forth! This year I had the opportunity to sit on a planning committee who oversaw and organized the full event and I was humbled to see how much it took to put the event together. We have some crazy talented people working in ministry in Atlantic Canada!!
1700 attendees
3 locations
24 hours
so many hearts changed!
Dave Currie spoke and we were blessed to have him take his daughter along. At one point they split up the girl and boys for a more gender specific subject talk. I caught the last few minutes of Jody's (Dave's daughter) talk. She is a brilliant relationship therapist who spoke to the girls about self-worth and their value as a child of God. As the girls exited the gym, she filtered them through one door and made them look themselves in the mirror and say "I am valuable". It was heartbreaking to see the amount of girls who could barely say those words..."I am valuable" without tears. As I held the door for them as they exited, watching their faces full of tears and empowerment, I got a vivid picture of the self-worth the females of our generation hold for themselves. Each girl was given a sticker for their mirror that said "Help me see myself how You see me" and a copy of the love letter from Jesus for them to take home.
The event was an absolute success. I personally think it was the best one I've been too. The youth were involved in the event on a whole new level. From the film fest and arts fest to the offering and choir, the students had so many chances to get involved and display their spiritual gifts in front of their peers in a loving, Christ centered environment. It was so powerful.
Leading up to the event, God had prepared my heart for a big weekend as I was evaluating things in my personal life... a process, I am learning, I should constantly be doing. When we identify a problem in our character and bring it to God, He doesn't just fix it for us, He gives us opportunities to fix it while growing a dependence on Him for the strength to overcome! I was given so many opportunities at Spring Forth to work through these issues and I am so thankful for a loving community of believers that will stand by me and love on me as I work these things out. God gave me with so many challenges and with that came an equal amount of support pushing me in the right direction! Most of them would have had no idea I was working through anything at all... but that unconditional forgiveness and the attitude of understanding was so uplifting!
For some silly reason, I had the idea that if the event was geared towards youth, then the youth were there to be filled and I was there to serve them... well... God sure shook that one up. God had been filling me and preparing me as I prepared for this weekend to not only pour into the youth at the event, but to be poured into by the leadership team, the speaker, band and even the youth.
There is nothing I love more then working on a team for youth events and seeing God being glorified and work through that.
God is so great.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
A Love Letter
My precious daughter,
I created you unique from anyone else;
You are exceptionally and wonderfully made.
Others may judge you on what you look like,
but I see your heart, I am so proud of who you are.
I have specifically chosen you and
Adopted you to me by child.
You are incredible valuable to me and
I cherish every moment with you.
As you obey my work, you become my friend and
We are united in spirit.
I love you so much that I died for you,
So that you could truly live.
No matter what you have done in your past,
With my gift of forgiveness, I see you as pure and perfect.
There is nothing you could ever do to make me
Stop loving you.
Though you may not realize it,
I am continually working all things for your best interest.
You can trust me with your life;
I want to give you a hope, a purpose and a future.
My joy will be your strength,
My love will surround you,
And my peace will hold you.
Be blessed today,
Know who you are...
A princess, a daughter of the King.
A woman who fears the Lord
Shall be praised.
My desire is that you will
See yourself for how I see you!
I love you,
I created you unique from anyone else;
You are exceptionally and wonderfully made.
Others may judge you on what you look like,
but I see your heart, I am so proud of who you are.
I have specifically chosen you and
Adopted you to me by child.
You are incredible valuable to me and
I cherish every moment with you.
As you obey my work, you become my friend and
We are united in spirit.
I love you so much that I died for you,
So that you could truly live.
No matter what you have done in your past,
With my gift of forgiveness, I see you as pure and perfect.
There is nothing you could ever do to make me
Stop loving you.
Though you may not realize it,
I am continually working all things for your best interest.
You can trust me with your life;
I want to give you a hope, a purpose and a future.
My joy will be your strength,
My love will surround you,
And my peace will hold you.
Be blessed today,
Know who you are...
A princess, a daughter of the King.
A woman who fears the Lord
Shall be praised.
My desire is that you will
See yourself for how I see you!
I love you,
This letter was given to the girls who attended Spring Forth last weekend as Jody Currie, a Christian relationship therapist, spoke about self-value and the purpose and value we have in Christ. As the girls exited the gym, she asked them to look themselves, one by one, in the mirror and tell themselves "you are valuable". My heart broke as I watched the pain in their eyes. Most of them holding back tears, could barely see themselves as valuable, let alone say it out loud.
Monday, May 3, 2010

Pray for Moldova.
Although Moldovans live an a whole other reality then us in North America, they have been blessed with beautiful people and a beautiful country. They deal with issues of oppression, territory conflict, poverty and lack of resources and jobs. This is the poorest and smallest country in Europe that is a heavily indebted transition countries suffering
serious political and economic consequences of the conflict in Transnistria.
Irregardless, the people of this county have hope! Their faces full of joy and their villages flushing in beauty and grace. God is in Moldova. The children and youth of this country have the chance to change their relaity and work toward a better, brighter future.
Where is their hope found? Their hope is found in the Lord.
“Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be removed,” says the LORD, who has compassion on you.” – Isaiah 54:10
Those who oppress the poor insult their Maker, but helping the poor honors Him. - Proverbs 14:31
Pictures taken in Moldova Summer 2008 Missions trip.
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