Wednesday, March 31, 2010


When he saw the crowds, he had compassion on them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. Then he said to his disciples, "The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field."
-Matthew 36-38

I came upon this verse as i was trying to find something to sum up what God had spoken to me about this weekend. I immediately turned to the book of Matthew and eventually found the verse above. This verse... I read over and over. It perfectly explains the weekend's purpose, to be commissioned into the world and bless others as we have been blessed. Jesus to the Nations was a missions conference and the speaker, Nizar Shaheen, encouraged us to be prayerful for the missionaries all over the world. To be aware of the carnage, violence, poverty and famine that threatens the very survival of nations while we live in comfort, but to also recognize when God is commissioning us to be those workers in his harvest field.

To be effective laborers, it is important that we are in step with God and allowing Him to lead our every move. Its also important to take those hard steps to eliminate the sinful characteristics in our lives and give into God. By His grace, He will bless us and renew in us Godly characteristics to bless others. This is applicable to missions on a global and local level. I was reminded again this weekend that when we take care of our relationship with God, He'll take care of everything else.

Restore us to yourself, O Lord, that we may be restored; renew our days as of old.
- Lamentations 5:21

Sometimes things just don't work out. The key is just taking from it what you can, and learning from it as you lift your pain to God! I'm praying over the Easter break that God will work in me and refresh my spirit. But putting my problems aside, I pray that God is glorified in all I say and do this next week.

I thank God so much for the random people who have been encouraging me in the biggest ways. That to me, is God-sent!

Back to the madness... 9 days left!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

I cry out...

Create in me a clean heart, O God,
and put a new and right spirit within me.
Do not cast me away from your presence,
and do not take your holy spirit from me.
Restore to me the joy of your salvation,
and sustain in me a willing spirit.

- Psalm 51:10-12

A link to one of my favorite videos:

John Mark McMillan's Blog - The Promenade

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Playing Catch Up

Today I realized I am behind on a lot of things (blogging included). With less then two weeks of classes left, the crunch is on and I have a desire to finish well. Sometimes I look at this course work as pointless, but I honestly know that someday this may come in handy. With this attitude, I'm slowly growing a passion for the material I'm learning... but I can't wait for it to be done!

This year got off to a really rough start but its been so amazing to see God work through so many situations at once. I step back and see the reality I have in front of me, and freak out! Honestly, its so God's now that I'd fall on my face without Him involved fully. I'm okay with that dependence. Its comforting to know He's got it under control and has a plan.

So much on the go. New relationship. School ending in two weeks. Final exams and papers coming soon. Jesus to the Nations Friday. Greenwood for Easter next weekend. Missions meetings preparing for presentation in April. So many bills. C visits on 63 days!... i could go on. I just need to focus on being obedient and focused.

Tonight at small group we had a really interesting conversation about God's love. A couple argued that God doesn't love everyone, that we need to accept His love for Him to love us. I'm not sure I agree. I think God's love is the constant factor, and that sin is the inconsistency... therefore the love that compels and commissions us to do missions and seek out the lost is sparked from God's love and desire to have a relationship. They didn't disagree with me... but still remained in their point. I've always understood God to be all knowing, all loving and almighty. Does their point contradict that statement?

PS... Helen (my car) has broken down twice this week, three times this month total. Praying I can recover the funds drained into my poor baby.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

For someoneo special...

I have this friend who I love a lot.
It always amazes me how well she knows me and the things I can tell her. Weather its constructive criticism or just good advice, we always know we can talk freely and be honest. Being in separate provinces, we still manage to talk everyday and know almost everything going on in each others lives.
God has really blessed me with this lovely lady. I absolutely love that we are able to share in struggles, encourage in growth and lift up in prayer.
She has a passion for Christ, a zeal for life and a heart to serve. I know this because I've served with her before and she is always willing to help and contribute in any way she can. She's realistic, yet optimistic. She's kind and caring. She's a hard worker, and amazing with kids. But most of all... she's an amazing friend.
It warms my heart to know how much she cares. I hope with all my heart I can be even half the friend she is to me.

Love you C <3

Philippians 1: 3-6
I thank my God every time I remember you. In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now, being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Your Grace is Enough

My week has flown by! Praise God for His strength in times of pressure.
Jesus to the Nations is coming up March 26-28. God has made it pretty clear He wants me there. He arranged transportation and a place to stay which is great... but I'm amazed with work. I was going to have to take the day off... which I was worried about because I just took off a week for Blizzard. S ended up needing me that morning instead of the afternoon/evening... what are the odds!

I found a really amazing quote that sums of my feelings today!

I do not at all understand the mystery of grace -- only that it meets us where we are but does not leave us where it found us.

--Anne Lamott

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


Pray for me this week as I push myself once again to meet deadlines and keep up with my commitments. The devil is hard at work this week to disrupt God's work. I've had quite a few friends notice this as well. Mid-terms are almost over and then I can get back to normal... until finals. I am starting off this week with one of many late nights. My days are so full I won't get more then 6 hours sleep until Thursday night. Praise God for coffee!

I decided tonight that I won't let things pile up this badly for finals. I pray that I can keep that a priority this coming month as I finish off the school year.