Wednesday, February 24, 2010

The Path Principal

Direction (not intention) determines destination.

At Blizzard this year I was given a CD with a copy of Andy Stanley's 4 part series titled 'Destinations'. He does an amazing job talking about something called 'The Path Principle' in which he explains the difference between our intentions in life and our directions in life; Two very different things. He speaks into my life about something as simple as living life and the decisions we're making everyday. Basically... we can have all the best intentions in the world, but if we don't put ourselves on the right path going in the right direction, we won't get to a desired destination.

He specifically highlights the disconnect between our intentions and actual directions. We must understand that the things that grab our attention DO change and influence our direction.

In part 4 of his series I particularly liked when he talked about obedience. Its been something that has been a theme in out bible study since Christmas and it just highlights what God has been showing me in my own life lately. The things that I give my attention to DO direct my life. The things that i pay attention to and the things that capture my attention DO influence my direction in life and I think Go does try and remind us of this throughout the bible.

God always tells us to pay attention to His word because He's trying to warn us against danger and distraction. He wants us to pay attention because in our obedience, He will bless us so richly, people will stop and stare. People will desire to know what's different about us.

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