Two weeks ago, I sat in a movie theater in Halifax, and oddly enough, sang worship, took communion, and participated in a full Sunday morning church service... in a movie theater.
The church was called
Deep Water and was an alternative place to meet for Sunday morning worship... and effective. I loved the casual and the younger aged atmosphere.
Basically they talked about how we have all these options when we make a decision in life... and we can lay out all the choices and then choose the right one.
As he continued, he talked about the distraction that all these options have on our decisions. Basically how easily we can loose sight of what God wants and His voice can become muffled.
The concept proposed i'll lay out like a math problem.
A+B=CA - where we are standing
B - the 'thing' that will get us to
C - the final destination
We can fill in
A no problem, and ideally we should know what we are trying to achieve, being
B is the variable we need to find. A lot of the time, we see before us a variety of options that will get us to
C... but the problem is finding the right one. Often we go with our gut, advice we've been given or just what happens to be the easiest answer.
What if there was an easier way? What if there was a way to get the right answer with one simple step?
Here's the answer... ready?
Its as simple as this...
God already has the answer!!I know ... that sounds like the Sunday School answer, but consider this:
If we truly want to follow God with our lives, why do we lay out all the options before Him and ask him to lead us to the right one? What does that accomplish?
I've come to understand that all that does is present us with desires, distractions, temptations, and roadblocks that can lead us in all different directions. And honestly, do we think God needs us to lay out the possible choices for Him?
Consider instead having faith and just... giving it to God. He knows the answers, and knows when we need to hear them. If He's not working hard enough to get you the answer you want when you want it.. maybe we simply just don't need to know. Maybe we simply need to just trust Him.
Try looking to God first next time. All the time. Don't even let temptation get in your line of sight. Be confident that in His perfect will, God is taking care of your concerns. You will never be given something you can't handle with Him and He has the answer before we even ask.