Hinting. Beating around the bush. Assumptions.
What happened to honesty. What happened to being authentic and real with people. Are we ever straight forward anymore? Does our word mean anything?
If you love someone... tell them.
If your excited... be excited.
If you need to yell... just yell.
If you miss someone... let them know.
When you set a goal... do everything you can to achieve it.
If you have something special... hold onto it with love and appreciation.
Laugh, and enjoy life!
Appreciate what you have. Don't forget that all this can be gone just as fast as it appeared. Why not share in your joy... and your pain? Not one of us is truly alone. Always remember that life is temporary. Every second that goes by is one less second we have to live life... to do something meaningful. We are not just beings.. God gave us a purpose. He will always provide. Don't let the stress of tomorrow stop you from living life today.